
Why Orthodontic Clincs Are Valuable Resources

By Devin Walsh July 08, 2021 0 comments

orthodontic clinics

When you drive or walk by orthodontic clinics, you may think to yourself, "I wonder what kind of braces people are getting in there?" without having another thought. You'd be totally right to think this, as in many people's minds orthodontic treatments are synonymous with braces only. Yet, if one were to query the average orthodontist about what they really do, they can expand upon far more effects than simply straight teeth.

In this brief article, we'd like to sing the praises of orthodontic clinics for the myriad of services that they provide. Not only do they provide affordable braces, but they also fix overbites, reduce crowding of the teeth, boost self-esteem, and help people get a wonderful smile without anyone noticing through clear aligners.

More Than Just Straight Teeth

In a recent survey, researchers found that the benefits of orthodontic treatment extend far beyond achieving the desired looks, according to the mass of survey participants (81%). While most of these people received braces or aligners, there are always a select few people who are in orthodontist clinics that only receive expanders, rubber bands, mouth guards, and more. What's interesting about this survey is that the overwhelming majority of participants had braces, but claimed that the benefits of orthodontic treatment extended far beyond having a great smile. This means that they were talking about increased self-esteem, better bites, reduced speech impediments, and more ancillary effects.

Fixing That Bite

It's hard to imagine what it would be like to have a bite that significantly impairs your eating or drinking habits. But for many people, this is their daily reality that they have to live with and suffer through. Before orthodontic clinics, these would simply have been the cards that you were dealt in life and there wouldn't be much that you could do to fix it. One only has to look at old medical journals or photographs to see people with teeth that must have caused them a great deal of distress. But with modern orthodontic clinics, it's no big deal to fix an overbite, underbite, or anything in between. From using braces and other orthodontic technology combined with the power of time, a competent orthodontist truly can shape your mouth into a thing of beauty and function.

Fixing Speech Impediments and Improving Self Esteem

Sometimes, by fixing your teeth and getting everything where it should be, you can fix longstanding speech impediments or aches and pains that have been occurring. No matter whether it's TMJ or mispronouncing the letter "R" with a lisp, having straight teeth and the correct orthodontic treatment to fix these issues can be truly wonderful for a person's self-esteem. Most people simply want to fit in and live their best life, so by finally being the best and optimized version of themselves, their self-esteem will soar. In this way, orthodontists are almost like small miracle workers that fix the little things wrong on a person's body so that they can do the rest themselves. It truly is a wonderful thing to see.

Institutions Worth Praising

Now that you know about all the amazing things that orthodontic clinics do so well, it's hard not to think about them as small institutions worth praising. They really do help people to become their best selves and raise their self-esteem by fixing small things, such as having a lisp or overbite that is easily corrected. Yet, they are completely affordable and often provide discounts to those of lesser financial means. Orthodontic clinics are certainly small institutions worth praising! We take pride in what we do at Evenly - straightening teeth using Invisalign. Give us a call today to book a free consultation.


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