
The Biggest Benefits of Invisalign for Adults

By Devin Walsh July 08, 2021 0 comments

When you're an adult that's in need of orthodontic treatments, you may dread the thought of having to get traditional metal braces on your teeth. Although you probably know that your teeth could look better overall, the thought of adult teeth straightening using a method associated with teenagers and younger people can seem a bit demoralizing. Luckily, there's been a better way to do adult orthodontics for quite a while now.

In case you haven't heard, Invisalign clear braces have been around since 1997 or so and have only been getting better each year. Instead of wires and brackets, this braces treatment uses clear plastic trays that are specifically molded to your teeth in order to shift them slightly over time and get you the smile you've always wanted. They have distinct advantages over the traditional technologies, and we think that once you know all of them you'll definitely want to get started.

The Same Results in a Different Package

Some people erroneously think that because Invisalign for adults is not made of metal and held together by wires, that the results are somehow less than perfect. Nope! Invisalign provides all the same benefits as traditional metal braces, but with a clear plastic aligner that is custom molded to your teeth instead. Since you need to wear these aligners for most of your day, they are functioning exactly how braces would -- slowly shifting your teeth over time.

Nobody Will Ever See Them

Perhaps the most glaring benefit of Invisalign for adults is that nobody ever needs to "see" that you have braces on. Technically the clear aligners aren't 100% invisible (otherwise you'd lose them), but they are see-through plastic that is transparent enough so that unless you take them out to show someone, nobody will really know that they're in. Patients have reported that even when taking pictures and smiling, you can't really distinguish that they're in orthodontic treatment! This means that taking pictures and socializing take on much less of a toll than they would otherwise and can leave you feeling wonderful.

Keep on Eating and Drinking

One of the most frustrating things about having traditional braces is that they are a fragile technology. Not only must you adjust your brushing and oral healthcare habits, but you are also commonly given a list of food and drinks that you should avoid in order to not upset the delicate wires and brackets in your mouth. With Invisalign for adults, you can throw that list out the window and stick to your eating routine with gusto. Since the clear aligners are removable, you can simply take them out whenever you're eating or drinking and then put them back in when you're finished. In fact, many patients report that their oral healthcare actually improves because they are able to take out their aligners and give their teeth a deep clean unencumbered by wires or brackets.

Affordable As Ever

In the beginning, when Invisalign for adults was a new technology, they fetched a premium price tag. However, Invisalign for adults no longer has an outrageous price tag. On average, it's comparable to traditional metal braces and in some instances may even be cheaper. Many dental insurance plans now list Invisalign in the same type of orthodontic treatment that traditional metal braces occupied and either fully or partially cover the treatment. Even if you have no insurance, at Evenly, we offer affordable payment plans to help you along with your dreams of achieving perfect teeth at a monthly cost that works for you.

The Benefits Aren't Invisible

While Invisalign for adults may be marketed as "invisible braces" or "the treatment that no one can see," the benefits are surely not invisible. From being as affordable as traditional metal braces to allowing you to eat and drink like normal, they are an improved form of braces that continues to stand the test of time and be requested by patients everywhere. Don't delay having a great smile. Get started with Invisalign teeth straightening with Evenly today!

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